In the next month new investors are expected on the Bulgarian property market and this will shake it a little bit. The interest is expected to be in the properties located near the sea-Varna, Dobrich, Burgas and properties located in a mountain areas- Veliko Tyrnovo, Elena, Vratca,Stara Zagora, etc. The experts wait a moment in the Bulgarian proeprty market in the second half of 2011, for when are the expectations for economical growth. In this time the first signals for growth of the real estatemarket must appear. There is a big risk for shortage of living properties in the high class, because there are no new projects in this segment.
The prognosis of Colliers says that the main trading streets will turn back their strong positions and in the four big cities: Varna,Sofia,Burgas, Plovdiv, the active renters will be fashion representatives, shoe stores, fast food and coffee shops.
The searching for trade areas will be concentrated in the so called “soft cash and carry”, the small neighborhood shops and the fashion brands of the low price class. There will appear new hybrid shops uniting shopping and entertainment.
In the industrial spaces there is no expected big movement because of the no expected big investments.
The most contracts for renting of offices end in this year. This will make the main companies to search office spaces in new attractive office buildings. The expected growth of 150 000 sq.m. of office spaces in the first half of 2011 will keep the rates low.